In Collaboration with ICS Institute –
School of Modern Technology
21-22 Haziran 2019
Course Venue:
Ege University, Faculty of Medicine, Anatomy Lab.
Course Directors and Trainers:
Alex DIGESU, MD-PhD, Urogynecology Subspecialist
Yasser FARAHAT, MD-PhD, FEBU, FRCS, Professor of Urology
Emre HURİ, MD-PhD, FEBU, Urologist-Anatomist, Associate Professor of Urology
Sherif MOURAD, MD-PhD, Professor of Urology
Anatomy Supervisor and Trainer:
Okan BİLGE, MD, Anatomist, Professor of Anatomy
İlkan TATAR, MD, Anatomist, Associate Professor of Anatomy
Servet ÇELİK, MD, Anatomist, Associate Professor of Anatomy
İlker SELÇUK, MD, Onco-Gynecologist
Course Overwiew/Scope:
Learning and teaching activities of surgical procedures on female and male pelvic anatomic/functional pathologies, techniqual tips and tricks, usage of technologic tools, anatomic pelvic dissection and pelvic organ identifications, materials for surgery, complications and problem solving, 3D printed models, and interactive discussions
Aims and topics:
In male/female pelvic region:
Detailed pelvic anatomic dissection with endo-assisted camera/head-mounted camera
Male urethral dissection, reconstructive procedures, sling and AUS implantation
Female urethral support surgery and vaginal dissection based on anterior-posterior part
Tips and tricks of prolapse surgery (Sacrocolpopexy, Sacrohysteropexy, Sacrospinous ligament fixation, native tissue vaginal prolapse repair)
Tips and tricks of SNS (Sacral Neuromodulation)-anatomy based training for beginners
All activities (theoretical, practical/hands-on training, surgical videos) will provide high-level fundamental scientific background on pelvic functional surgery to the urologists/urogynecologists who are interested in this field.
Target Group
Recontructive pelvic floor surgeons
Participants: 25-30 (max. 4 station)
In collaboration with ICS Institute – School of Modern Technology
Financial Situation: In this course, there will be no advertisement of specific products, the products only used for academic aims in cadaveric surgeries. Course designed as non-profit status.
Intellectual Outcomes: All dissections and surgical procedures on cadavers will be recorded for ICS TV as educational material and training activity of School of Modern Technology. The evaluation forms will be filled by participants at the end of the course.
SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME / 23 November 2018, Friday
09.00-09.30: Registration and Opening Ceremony – Emre HURİ, Sherif MOURAD
Theoretical/Audio-visual Session: Female Pelvic Part (160 minutes)
09:30 – 09:50: 3D urogynecologic pelvic anatomy in female – İlkan TATAR
09:50 – 10:10: Anti-incontinence surgery: step by step TOT procedure – Sherif MOURAD
10:10 – 10:30: Pain after continence surgery: approach to painful patient – Alex DIGESU
10:30 – 10:50: Single incision sling: strengths and weakness – Yasser FARAHAT
10:50 – 11:10: Coffee Break
11:10 – 11:30: Anti-incontinence surgery and surgical training: viewpoint of uroanatomy and functional uro-technology – Emre HURİ
11:30 – 11:50: Novel materials and technologic tools: Bulking agents and botox applications – Sherif MOURAD
11:50 – 12:10: Surgical anatomy of obturator fossa, sacral promontory and ischial spine- Alex DIGESU
12:10 – 12:30: Anatomic dissections in vesicovaginal fistula repair: tips and tricks with or without flap – Sherif MOURAD
12:30 – 13:30 Lunch
Theoretical/Audio-visual Session: Male Pelvic Part (160 minutes)
13:30 – 13:50: Detailed surgical pelvic and perineal anatomy in male case: from skin to pelvis –Okan BİLGE
13:50 – 14:10: Post-prostatectomy incontinence and anti-cholinergic therapy: anatomic and pathophysiologic reasons – Emre HURİ
14:10 – 14:30: Anti-incontinence surgery: retropubic sling approach and urethral reposition – Sherif MOURAD
14:30 – 14:50: Coffee Break
14:50 – 15:10: Anti-incontinence surgery: transobturator sling approach and adjustment of urethral support- Emre HURİ
15:10 – 15:30: AUS implantation: anatomic and techniqual tips and trick- Yasser FARAHAT
15:30 – 15:50: Neuromodulation for beginners – Alex DIGESU
15:50 – 16:10: Practical interactive surgical discussion with cadaveric dissection videos- İlker SELÇUK
19:00: Course Dinner
24 November 2018, Saturday
Hands-on Cadaveric Training Part (300 minutes):
09:30 – 15:30
Anatomist Supervisors: Okan BİLGE, Servet ÇELİK, İlkan TATAR
Surgical Anatomy Basis Dissection
All participants will gain experience on pelvic-perineal surgical gross anatomy without doing dissection, and learn the relations among anatomic pelvic structures using 3D- VITOM technology and endoscopic instruments
– Male/female pelvic floor-perineum anatomy, female genital organs, male urogenital organs, bladder, urethra, fascial layers, ligaments, major vessels and nerves (pelvic plexus)
– 3D printed female pelvic model will be used for basic anatomy
Surgical Technique Basis Dissection
All participants will do surgery with the guidance of mentors on fresh-frozen cadavers and 3D –printed models.
– Female/Male retropubic and transobturator approachs, mini-slings, male urethral fine dissections, adjustable male sling, urethral reposition,
anterior/posterior vaginal tissue dissection (TOT/TVT)
– Vesico-vaginal fistula repairment (flap +/-)
– Obturator fossa dissection
– Intravesical botox /bulking agent injection
– AUS implantation
12:30 – 13:30: Lunch
15.30 – 16.00: Course evaluation and Discussion
16.00 – 16.30: Closing remarks and certification
İletişim Halit Ziya Caddesi
No: 8/1 06690 Çankaya – ANKARA